pp108 : Creating a Workspace

Creating a Workspace

This topic contains the procedure to create a workspace.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of Developer to create a Workspace.

A workspace forms the core of the Process Platform development environment. It is the starting point for any application development, where all design-time documents are created and maintained. Any number of developers can connect to a workspace.

Note: It is recommended that the developers have their own workspace(s), instead of sharing workspaces among themselves.

A workspace stores all its content in the form of XML documents inside XML Document Store (XDS). It is an isolated development environment. Therefore, modifying its contents will not affect the content of other workspaces.

  1. Open CUSP (http://<machine name:port number>/cordys), click and from the list of applications, click (Workspace Documents). The Organize Workspaces window appears.
  2. Click . The Development Workspace wizard appears.
  3. Provide the Name, Description and Annotations, and select one of the following Software Configuration Management type options:
    • No source control if you do not want to associate the workspace with any Source Control Management (SCM) system.

      Note: If you select this option, skip step 4 of this procedure and go to step 5.

    • SVN for team development if you want to associate the workspace with an SCM such as SVN.

      Note: Use discretion in setting up SVN for the team. This option is only a provision and not a recommendation. For more information, see topic Setting Up a Collaborative Workspace.

      If you select the SVN for team development option, an additional screen will display later in the wizard for defining SVN details, and the title of the current screen changes to New Workspace - Step 1 of 4.
  4. Click Next and enter the following information on the SVN properties page:
    • URL of the SVN repository to which you want to configure the workspace
    • User Name to access the repository

      Note: As far as possible, provide the fully qualified username. If you are a user in a domain, provide the name in the <domain name>\<user name> format. If you are creating the workspace using a local system account, provide the name in the format <computer name>\<user name>. However, in specific cases, the SCM authentication manager might be able to handle user names without domain or computer names.

    • Password to access the repository
      Note: Optionally click Test connection to test whether the provided inputs provide you access to the repository.
  5. If the SVN repository can only be accessed by using a proxy server, activate the option *Use a proxy server" and enter the following information:
    • the Host of the proxy server
    • the Port of the proxy server
    • Username with which the proxy server can be accessed
    • Password that belongs to the previous username
  6. Click Next and enter the following information about the project in the New Workspace - Step 3 of 4 screen. A project is a container for all documents that together form an application package. It provides a single design-time view of the development content and can be validated, published, and packaged. A project can be shared by multiple solutions within the same workspace.
    • Name of the project to be added to the workspace
    • Package Owner to specify the owner of the application
    • Name of the product to specify the name of the application
  7. Click Next to display the New Workspace - Step 4 of 4 screen. It displays a summary of the information provided in the earlier screens.
  8. Click Create. A message appears confirming the creation of your workspace. You can click Details to view the workspace information in the Details tab.
  9. Click Close.

The Workspace Documents appears with the default view set to My Recent Documents. However, you can change the view of Workspace Documents to Tag Search or Explorer views, depending upon your development needs.

After you complete this task:
To begin application development, add documents to the project(s). To organize your workspace, you can add more projects; to group projects logically, you can create new solutions or attach projects to an existing solution.

Do not use long file names to create projects, folders, and documents because very long names interfere with the synchronization process. On the file system, the synchronized file name takes into account the entire path, starting from the installation directory including the drive letter (for example C:). Since it is difficult to prescribe specific number of characters for a project name or document name, it is better to use as few characters as possible while providing names.

Related tasks

Switching Between Workspaces
Viewing and Modifying Properties of a Workspace